Two upper rows: made by DST SWISS Two lower rows: made by ACS UK |
Even though Dr. Craig Kasper of
Two upper rows: made by DST SWISS Two lower rows: made by ACS UK |
"...The resultant magnetic field at the membrane is in the plane of the membrane and perpendicular to the current in the conductors...The pattern of the conducting layer, which resembles a printed circuit, is arranged so that the whole membrane is driven in phase. In order to increase the total force, each conductor is divided into a number of tracks which are mechanically in parallel but electrically in series..."As its conducting layer is enlarged to fortify the driving force, the surface area of the membrane increases as well, hence lowering the mechanical constraint of the driver itself. And rises the greatest technological advantage of an isodynamic driver:
"..The flat response down to the lowest frequencies is a natural result of the relatively low mechanical impedance of the membrane, and requires no special effort on the part of the acoustics engineer. Even the effect of leaks under the cushion has no dramatic influence on the response..."With its low acoustic impedance, an isodynamic driver is more lenient when it comes down to linearity under load than an electrodynamic driver. And according to Dr. Mendel Kleiner, the author of Acoustics and Audio Technology,
"The advantage of this design is that one does not need to worry about diaphragm resonances other than the fundamental resonance, such as rocking mode resonances. Since the film has low mass, any high frequency resonances will be damped by the radiation impedance."
"特に低域の使い方に違いがあり、80から90年代にかけては100Hzにピークがあったものが現在のエレクトロニカなどの音楽では30~40Hzにピークが来るのです。このベースの音色をきちんと再生できないと音楽そのもののバランスも崩してしまう。これまで手本としてきたMDR-CD900STよりもさらに下の帯域にピークがあるので、音の設計に関してもだいぶ考えを改めなければとそこで気付いたんですね。", Sony's target frequency of interest has always been at 100 Hz, as that is where the majority of low frequency contents have been located with traditional music. However, the time's changed: In order to accommodate the current music industry's demand of low frequency reproduction at as low as 30 - 40 Hz, 角田-san develops a special damping system.
"さらに低域再生という点ではハウジング上に設けたポート(通気孔)によって低域の過渡特性を改善させるビートレスポンスコントロール(Beat Response Control)を導入しました。振動板の動作を最適化することで30~40Hzのリズム感も改善され、立ち上がりや立下り特性も向上しています。" optimizing the air compliance within the housing using two rear vents and a frontal resistive opening, a great damping over the driver's transient has been accomplished, according to the manufacturer.
"In beyerdynamic headphones, “Tesla” stands for our latest system technology that is distinguished by a very powerful magnetic drive and clean reproduction with a low degree of total harmonic distortion ... With the Tesla principle, the magnet is mounted as a ring encircling the coil and this enables us to divert more energy to the membrane, which is where it is required."Beyerdynamic's German patent, DE102009038593, indicates that the technology is comprised of a big annular "neodymium-iron-boron" magnet 120, which is situated at the outer rim of the voice coil, holding a base plate 110 and a cover plate 130, creating a massive magnetic system altogether, much bigger than that of any conventional dynamic transducer designs.