Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Heir Audio 3.Ai

Continued from the 4.Ai analysis, Heir Audio 3.Ai is also a generic version of their custom IEM, 3.Ai. Everything is identical except the bore termination, of course. Since their generics have same internal components as the customs do, users who are currently using custom IEMs from Heir Audio might find this analysis quite useful as well.

PRO: Hand-crafted; nice aesthetics. 

CON: If something is radically different, it can be a good thing sometimes IMO. But that is not the case with 3.Ai. The mid-frequency notch is more prominent that that of 4.Ai, killing the overall spectral balance, and making the user effectively hearing-impaired at 3 kHz to 4 kHz range; A huge crossover network design flaw on Heir Audio's end. Moreover, there are more issues that need to be addressed: inverted polarity, high distortion, narrow bandwidth, and slow sub-bass.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #1: Just like 4.ai, changing the insertion depth does not alter the sound of 4.Ai that much, even with 3~4mm distance. Of course, there is not much of high frequency to be altered to begin with.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #2: Adding an extra resistance to 3.Ai is definitely not recommended- it will even further skew the frequency response, worse than the case with 4.Ai. 

ON SECOND THOUGHT #3: Heir Audio sells an upgrade cable,Magnus 1, for $149. Since the manufacturer says it has more silver content, it should lower the overall impedance of the IEM, and increase the output SPL due to improved efficiency in electroacoustic transduction. Since 3.Ai is more efficient than 4.Ai, the resulting relative output difference is actually larger.

And just as expected, my random $25 furutech cable from Ebay performs better than Magnus 1.


  1. What does the grey line in the frequency response measurement represent?

  2. Those gray lines are IEM's unequalized output within the simulator, plotted for repeatability verification. IOW not really important for general users.

  3. Thanks for the reply. Would you say the er4bs are the most neutral you've heard? Ive bought a few iems on impulse but ended up selling them cause the music don't sound right.

    1. ER-4B that is. However, some find it to be too bright. I'd rather recommend 4S. UE900 + pinhole blocked + 100 Ohm resistor sound fascinatingly neutral as well. Phonak PFE was pretty bland for me.

  4. I own both the 3.ai and Magnus 1 cables and can say that I am very happy with the sounds signature.

    1. As long as the user's happy, it's a job well-done by the manufacturer.

    2. You may happy, but I think you should explore your options as there are manufacturers out there that place more care into the sound department. This is just bad in all fonts, poor channel matching, messed up FR, audible distortion, etc. The cable is snake-oil, unless you're solely buying it for it's looks/build.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. wow...that just looks like it is missing 3~4k.....I was thinking betwen 3ai and ue900 but I am glad that I go for UE900

  7. Come one "PRO: Hand-crafted; nice aesthetics" ????

    I am sure you can do better than this! (just kidding LMAO!)

    1. Absolutely! Heir Audio, you can do better than this!
