Sunday, November 25, 2012

HiFiMAN RE-272

I first met Dr.Fang Bian of at Canjam 2009 held in LA. It was when his all-new HiFiMAN HM-801 was first introduced, and I auditioned it along with some of the YUIN earbuds. Well, to be honest, I was not impressed at all with the quality of his products at that time. I simply disregarded HiFiMAN brand as one of those random Chinese products.

And at the end of year 2012, I come across HiFiMAN once again, with the help of good friends!

PRO: Flat frequency response, on par with Etymotic Research ER-4P / modified UE900. The overall impedance is so linear, even a 100 Ω resistor does not hinder RE-272's damping characteristic. Also, the amount of decay is nicely even along the entire frequency range.

CON: Slight channel mismatch in the upper frequency range.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #1: The shallower you insert RE-272, the less peak you will get, while the bandwidth remains more or less the same. This is an engineering wonder of in-ear acoustics.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #2: Other than regular stock sleeves, RE-272 also comes with biflange ear sleeves, which boost the response above 10 kHz. Combine these biflanges with shallow insertion, and the frequency response will become even closer to the diffuse-field reference.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #3: There is a removable acoustic damper within the nozzle, effectively controlling peaks in the mid to high frequency region. Unless peaks are desired, removal of the damper is not recommended. Moreover, the vent is merely a depressurizer- blocking it is not recommended either.

The electroacoustic performance of RE-272 is simply outstanding, eventually changing my preconception on HiFiMAN brand. Chinese manufacturers really have improved over the years, and I can now confidently recommend HiFiMAN and Vsonic products to anyone! (No, I still won't recommend Heir Audio.)


  1. Hi udauda,

    I assume you didn't use an amp when performing your measurements?
    I often read, that the RE272 need an amp too sound good.

    What's your opinion on that?

    1. My reference amplifier is Objective 2. Still sounds good even when it is unamped IMO! Also had Fiio E17 connected as well.

  2. So how does it compare overall with the er4b?

    1. Well, they both and cons and pros. 4B & modified UE900 are definitely for critical listening & subjective analysis. But for everyday use, I will choose RE272 & EX1000 & GR07 mkII and UE700.

  3. What would be the difference for having 3 times slower decay response than other earphones like the RE-400?

    Is the 3 times slower decay response better or would produce unrealistic sound? I just dont know how to critic this graph and also what the goal for manufacturers concerning the decay response would be. Thanks!

    1. Also in continuation to my previous questions apart from the decay response what would be better? for the same decay would be better a downward slope or a cliff like here and the fitear togo 334? When you have frequencies disappearing and then reappearing as you have in the cliff graph, would that sound like an echo? Thanks very much

    2. Ouch, somehow my laziness caused a visual confusion.. I just updated the old CSD plot of RE-272 to my current standard. Now you'll see the difference isn't that big between RE-400 and RE-272. Gonna update 334 data as well.

  4. " CON: Slight channel mismatch in the upper frequency range."

    could you tell to how many db this translates to? thanks

    1. also due to a debate over head-fi could you tell me between RE-400 and RE-272 which one do you think is better and why?

      The argument that RE 400 is better than RE 272 goes like this

      1) lower distortion
      2) better channel match

      The argument that RE 272 is better goes like this

      1) better neutral, linear FR

      What is your take? thanks

    2. I'd have to side with RE262/272 brothers, without a doubt. For the interchannel deviation: please refer to this:

    3. Could you also include in your reviews such graphs? Could be helpful. I am not sure if this is applicable to all IEMs in production or just one unit itself. Can the interchannel deviation be generalised? Thanks

    4. I definitely can, but be advised that the inter-unit tolerance can't possibly be determined by comparing only two units(left and right). That would indeed be a premature assumption.

    5. In that case i would suggest to explicitly state this when you are referring to channel mismatch as a con (that may not be the same to other units as well)

    6. Indeed, you have a point. I'll state that from now on. :) thnx!

  5. Hey, I have a question for you. What would be an "upgrade" from the RE-272? I am struggling to think of ways in which it can be improved apart from bass extension although even that has been getting better and better with daily burn in.

    Also, one more stalky question actually. Are you from MBS? If not, ignore me lol

    1. You've already reached the top tier of dynamic IEMs! You may move on to EX1000, Sennheiser IE800, GR07mkII and such, for more tonal variation. Or go for high-end BA IEMs such as UE900 or W4, as they are great for DIY modification.

      I think I'll attend 137th AES convention, which will be held in LA, so if you'd like to see me in person, come along!

    2. So do you imply that amongst universals at least, there isn't really an upgrade? If so, I would agree with you to be honest. I really can't fault these as IEMs! The detail level, transparency, bass impact, treble extension, imaging, texture, balance... everything is there (with the slightest EQ tho) apart from possibly soundstage, but that's expected from IEM really.

    3. As far as the quality of sound goes, yup. It will not be an 'upgrade', but Sennheiser IE800 is really something worth giving a shot though IMHO.

  6. After reading your comment, I checked out the IE800's frequency response and that of the RE272s. It fits the way I EQ my RE272 identically lol. I guess the IE800 may be better for me but then it just cost so much more to the point that I would not bother thinking about purchasing it for now although I will give it a shot in the near future.

    Thanks for your time answering my questions!

    1. No problem, brother. Sennheiser IE800 is real nice though, do give a shot!

  7. hi, the re272 being a low impedance iem, would it be a good match with a dap with 4 ohm output impedance?

    kinda blur about this,
    Appreciate the time you spend measuring all these headphones.

    1. No need to worry about impedance bridging with a dynamic driver, of which RE272 is.
