Saturday, September 28, 2013


Disclaimer: This product has been generously provided by Inks!

Driven with a pair of ⌀10 mm titanium-coated moving-coil drivers, t-JAYS is made for accurate sound reproduction and maximum comfort, according to the Swedish manufacturer.

And on top of that, in collaboration with Dirac, the company well-known for their custom sound optimization, JAYS come up with Curves specifically designed for t-JAYS models. While Dirac's DSP technology works most of the time, it may not do the job as well for some applications.

PRO: low distortion in the mid-to high frequency range.

CON: Overly-bass oriented sound signature, an audible peak at 6 kHz, and short bandwidth.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #1: Unless the IEM is inserted very shallow, its frequency response is largely unaffected buy the insertion depth-induced resonance shift.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #2: Additional acoustic resistance damps harshness.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #3: While blocking the front vent increases the amount of bass, it also worsens the peak issue at 6 kHz.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #4: Dirac's Curves resolves two major issues with this IEM: First, the level of low-mid bass is lessend by 10 dB. Second, the audible peak at 6 kHz is effectively suppressed. For the price of $2.99, I think the app does exactly what it's supposed to do.
Since IEMs are of minimum-phase(causal), not much of discernible change is expected from the change in the time-domain.

ON SECOND THOUGHT #5: Whether t-JAYS Three is optimized or not, the IEM still needs a good amount of equalization to fit the reference target of Dr. Sean Olive of Harman International.

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